
Stallworth's Verdict=Dogs>People

I was watching SportsCenter, and I heard the news that Donte' Stallworth pleaded guilty to manslaughter for the killing of 59 year old Mario Reyes who was waiting on the bus. His sentencing, 30 days in jail.

Are u kidding me?

He was wasted and took another man's life and all he got was a month in jail? Michael Vick got 23 months over dog fighting, which they still don't have any hard evidence he was involved other than the house where his family lived was in his name. Now I'm just as happy as the next person when a Black man beats the system, but what that says to me is the justice system values a dog's life over mine. Or maybe it's just me......


MsKayotic said...

Girl! I just wrote my own entry on this bull! I hear ya! I think it's stupid. You beat me to the punch but dang!

Go check out my entry at Mayhem and Kayos...

It's just pitiful!

clnmike said...


Anonymous said...

Got your message homie. As for Donte, well hey what can be said.

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